
Secret of writing a good Dissertation

tipsAre you a student writing a dissertation or planning to write one? Are you interested to write a good dissertation that will fetch you good grades? But, you aren’t sure as to what makes a good dissertation and you are in search of some tips.

So students, the only fail-proof method and one secret that every student needs to follow in order to complete their dissertation is to write and write till perfect. Yes, we know that you all must be disappointed to hear this, but yes this is the only solution to your dissertation writing process. Writing not only refers to Read more...


Methodology Writing for Dissertation

graph-296x300Are you starting to write your dissertation? Are you ready with the materials for writing the methodology? Well, if you are not it is important to remember that methodology forms a vital part of the dissertation or thesis and this is not what the materials and methods state.

What does the methodology section detail?

It explains broad philosophy behind the chosen topic of research methods and details whether one is using what type of methods such as qualitative or quantitative or a good mix of both and justifying the same. However, it is important to be clear about the academic base for all the choices of research methods that the researcher has made. Read more...


Dissertation Editing Services- Part II

dissertation-editingThese dissertation editing services provided by Express Dissertation Services are mainly formulated to satisfy the various requirements of thesis and doctoral students who want to achieve good clarity in writing.

How do we help you?

One has to remember that the dissertation is a very vital part of one’s career and it is a stepping stone to the research gateway. It symbolises the years of hard work and preparation that a student puts into his or her work. It is human to err is a common saying but let’s face it. We Read more...


Group Coaching Services for Dissertation

coaching-servicesAre you in the process of writing your dissertation? Are you de-motivated to pursue your dissertation due to external pressures and deadline? Do not worry; we are there to help you deal with these in an easy manner!

Group coaching is the new method to help students facing the brunt of dissertation submission. Through this model, a coach is entitled to counsel and advise various students over phone lines and they are assured of high confidentiality. The group of students are to pledge that there will be no competition among them. The main benefit of this approach is that one can achieve the necessary results in very less time and it helps the coach understand different student behaviours. This Read more...


Tips to save yourself when you are stuck while writing your dissertation

writing-tipsAre you feeling lost while writing your dissertation? Are you feeling lonely and stuck and not able to arrive at any conclusion? Do, not worry!! We, at Express Dissertation are here with our expert team of counselors to provide you advice on how to deal with these situations.

The most commonly dealt topic these days in our organisation, is what to do when one is stuck in the dissertation process. Lately, since most of the students faced similar issues, we have decided to offer a few tips with which you can solve your issues. Read more...


Coping with dissertation Stress

dissertation-stressOut of every 10 students who write their dissertation, at-least 50% of them suffer from various challenges in this process. The main theme of this article is to give tips on how to overcome these challenges.

The main goal of resilience or coping with stress linked to dissertation is the most common topic discussed everywhere. We, at Express Dissertation have analysed various literature sources that teach students to write dissertation, however very few articles linked to coping with dissertation resilience are observed. So do you think that you have the skill set to overcome these hurdles? Read more...