
10 steps of writing an dissertation

dissertation-writingHave you been given a course on dissertation writing for your academic purposes? Are you struggling with the procedure to write the dissertation? Do not worry, we will guide you properly!

There are some characteristics of a good dissertation such as a clear and precise aim that is based on the thesis and the central question; it has to be well-planned and researched widely to make sure all information is correct. Read more...


Why is Confidentiality Important in Research?

researchWe are sure all of you know what confidentiality is; however have you wondered about its importance in research. Are you writing a research paper with data obtained from new participants? Do not stop if you are confused because we are here to help you.

The baseline of confidentiality or why it is followed is because a subject is more probable to give out honest and authentic responses if they are assured that their identity will not be exposed. Read more...


What is Action Research Methodology?

Research-MethodologyDo you have an assignment on application of action research methodology? Are you finding it hard to comprehend the subject or the work? We are there to help you in any case!

The action research methodology is known by various names that consist of participatory research, emancipator research and even contextual action. However, they are named so based on their themes. Read more...


Abstract writing Tips

abstract-writingWhat is an abstract? How important is your abstract to your thesis? How do you know whether you have written the right abstract?

Abstract in Latin means condensed form or the gist of a long form of writing. There are two types of abstract writing known as descriptive and informative abstracts. The type mainly relies on the area of interest one works in. The reason why we resort to abstracts is because in reports and long research papers, abstracts are usually written after the work is completed, however the abstract is the first piece of literature that everyone reads.



How to choose a good research question?

research-paper-topics-high-schoolAre you struggling to ask a good research question? Have you thought about the basic guidelines behind choosing the right research question? Do you know how important is your research question is to your research?

To start off, a good research question leads and focuses the research at a convenient point to diverge from there. It should definitely be clear and well-focused. Read more...