We Promise
We Promise
We guarantee that we write only 100% original articles. Before you receive your article, we scan it through an online tool, to check for plagiarism, and have it checked thoroughly. For your satisfaction, we scan the model answer with the same software tool, which checks it across billions of web pages, books and online journals to ensure it is free from plagiarism. After this process, you will receive a free scan report with the finished report.
We are proud to have a team of expert writers who posses Master's and Doctorate degree from reputed international universities. We assure your article will be written by a professionally qualified and experienced writer.
We provide you assurance that your article will accurately match the original requirements. In case of any discrepancies or an unlikely event when a writer misinterprets the instructions, just inform us within seven days and we will set it right for you.
Unlike other providers in the market, in case of any changes or any issues, you can revert back to us. We provide you a window period of two months to go through the article we have written. The time we grant you is to assure you are satisfied with our work and you have a good amount of time to check the written material.
We assure you that your material will reach you on or before the deadlines. You can be confident about your order because we deliver your material through email by 11pm on your chosen deadlines. If the changes or the amendments are not delivered on time we guarantee you a discount of 10% for each day we are late.*
We give you 100% assurance that all the articles written will have complete references. You have the choice of selecting the style of referencing that range from Harvard, APA, MLA or Chicago. Our writers make use of Google scholar, Ebsco and multiple databases that locate the required articles, journals or other vital resources. Please note that we do not charge for the referencing and/or bibliography parts of the articles and these will not be included in the word count of your order.
We assure you that your personal details or details regarding your order will not be disclosed to anyone. We guarantee 100% confidentiality to both you and our writers. If you prefer not to divulge your name, we do not have an issue because all we require is your email address. We provide you an option of paying directly to the bank, so you need not reveal any personal details.
Our primary goal is to give you total satisfaction. If you are not happy with our work and feel we have not met your standards of quality and service or we have not maintained your instructions please let us know within seven days of the article delivery. We will set it right and give you a complete product.
*There may be instances where due to technical reasons beyond our control where you may receive your work late or may not receive them. In such a scenario, we expect you to inform us of the delay. However, such kind of delays will not be considered for refunds.